Important notice: Do not submit payment information via secure mail or chat functions – or in the text of your message.

Any payment information received via secure mail or chat will be deleted and will not processed. You should only submit payment information when making a payment online or via mail or fax as stated on beneficiary forms.

Do not submit payment information via secure mail or chat functions – or in the text of your message. Any payment information received via secure mail or chat will be deleted and will not processed. You should only submit payment information when making a payment online or via mail or fax as stated on beneficiary forms.

Make premium payments with a credit or debit card

You can choose to set up recurring credit card payments to have your monthly premium drawn from a credit or debit card. It's important to remember to update your card information when anything changes to avoid a missed payment and possible disenrollment. Please allow up to 10 business days for changes to be processed on your account. Once the new card information is updated, the current card on file will no longer be charged.