If you have a beneficiary enrolled in a care management program, such as the ACD, you can access their care management profile via provider self-service. Care management profiles contain information and resources regarding the beneficiary’s current enrolled program(s).

Check out the care management dashboard!

Prior to initial assessment

Initial referral submitted with evidence of definitive diagnosis

Initial referrals are provided by the Primary Care Manager (PCM) or an ASD-diagnosing provider. Referrals must specify ABA services and include evidence of a definitive diagnosis using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Fifth Edition (DSM-5 (or current edition)), including initial date of diagnosis, a diagnosis of ASD and a diagnostic evaluation. DSM criteria must be documented in a DHA-approved checklist.

Submit referral for ABA via self-service (recommended)

Download DSM-5 diagnostic checklist

The referral for ABA form and supporting documentation may be faxed when needed to (877) 378-2316. Please be aware that failure to provide necessary clinical information may result in delays, terminations of authorized care and denials for pended claims. Upon receipt of the referral, Humana Military authorizes an initial ABA assessment, TP development and PDDBI outcome measure, given there is a TRICARE-authorized ABA supervisor with an opening to accept the beneficiary.

Referral for ABA form and DSM-5 diagnostic checklist

For beneficiaries enrolled to the ACD prior to Oct. 1, 2021, TRICARE-authorized ASD-referring and diagnosing providers have the option of submitting a definitive diagnosis referring provider attestation which fulfills both the DSM-5 diagnostic checklist and validated assessment tool eligibility requirements for the two-year PCM requirements.

Download the referral for ABA form, DSM-5 diagnostic checklist and definitive diagnosis referring provider attestation

Prior to first request for treatment for ABA

Conduct initial assessment and submit new referral for treatment

During the initial assessment with an authorized ABA supervisor, target symptoms are identified and a Treatment Plan (TP) is developed. After the initial assessment is complete, the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) must submit a new authorization request containing the TP, Parenting Stress Index (PSI) - 4 (short form) or Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents (SIPA), Vineland-3 (parent and teacher/interview form), Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) -2 (parent form), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Behavior Inventory (PDDBI) (parent form). If BCBA cannot complete the PSI/SIPA, Vineland-3, or SRS-2, please contact Humana Military to assist in ensuring completion of these outcome measures. Once submitted, Humana Military will authorize six months of ABA services based on the referral request. 

Every six months

Reassessment and re-authorization required

TPs are reviewed for clinical necessity twice annually to allow reassessment and document progress in improving core deficits. Prior to the expiration of each six month authorization period, the authorized ABA supervisor or Autism Corporate Service Providers (ACSP) must request re-authorization of ABA services for the next six months from Humana Military (as early as 60 days in advance). Providers must submit updated TP, PSI (short form) / SIPA and PDDBI (parent and teacher form) outcome measures for re-authorization.

Authorization request for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)


Re-authorization required

Providers must submit Vineland-3 (parent, teacher or interview form) and SRS-2 (parent form) for re-authorization. If the BCBA is unable to complete the outcome measures, please contact Humana Military to assist in ensuring their completion.

Every two years

Re-authorization required

The PCM or ASD-diagnosing provider must provide ASD diagnosis with level of support, diagnostic checklist and a validated assessment tool (if one of the approved tools has not already been submitted). These subsequent referrals may be accepted up to six months in advance.

Outcome measures timeline - what to expect the first two years